NAWIC Chapter 346 Social Media and Website PolicyThe CHAPTER 346 NAWIC Social Media Committee is making every effort to improve our system of getting important information out in as timely a manner as possible as accurately as possible. With this goal in mind, we have developed a posting plan with a CHAPTER 346 NAWIC Social Media and Website Request Form. Please note that ALL posts, both social media and website, must be approved by the President, Corresponding Secretary or a Website Committee member. This is to ensure that all posts are consistent and accurate.
The CHAPTER 346 NAWIC Social Media Committee will post the following type items: • Upcoming CHAPTER 346 NAWIC events/Chapter News • Upcoming Regional NAWIC events • Upcoming National NAWIC events • National Holiday Greetings with an eye to include a diverse array • Member Special Work Accomplishments/Promotions/Celebrations • Industry Inspirations • New Member Welcomes • Member Shout Outs or Member Highlight • Member Company Job Openings Website Updates – Will occur as needed with the goal to be organized enough so as to have to update the website no more than once per week. Events will be scrubbed from the website in a timely manner after they have concluded. ONLY the President, Corresponding Secretary or a Website/Social Media Committee member may create a new posting for any of the Social Media accounts or the website unless the post creator is instructed to do so by an authorized individual. ONLY the President, Corresponding Secretary or a Website/Social Media Committee Chair may create a NEW CHAPTER 346 NAWIC Social Media Account or a new website. No committee may create or open a new CHAPTER 346 NAWIC account. This includes all type accounts including EventBrite accounts. |