Workforce Development, Inc (WDI) & Operating Engineers (49ers) Union to Offer Training Program12/11/2018
Workforce Development, Inc (WDI) is working with the Operating Engineers (49ers) Union to offer a four week training. The first two weeks will be taught by WDI staff at the CareerForce Center (formerly the WorkForce Center) in Rochester. The second two weeks will be taught by trainers from the Operating Engineers Union, again at WDI in Rochester.
Participant requirements are below for the Operating Engineers class which will run from Tuesday, January 22 to Friday, February 15. Class is Monday – Friday from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm. Applicants should:
If you are interested in further exploring if this is a good fit, please call Susan Boehm, M.S. | Regional Career Pathways Coordinator at 507.512.0494. Comments are closed.